The Official Runner's Yoga Instructional Program @ a multi-media, step-by-step home-study program of yoga for runners and other athletes.
Category : Health & Fitness
Sub Cat. : Yoga
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“Stretch (and tone!) every major muscle in your body in the time it would take you to get to the gym.” NOT another yoga video, Runner's Yoga is a complete multi-media Instructional Program that will teach you how to practice safely on your own using our proprietary 30-minute audio recording. A full-body flowing routine you can do almost anywhere, when it fits YOUR schedule, the Runner's Yoga Program will help: Dramatically increase your FLEXIBILITY. Build your CORE STRENGTH. Improve your BALANCE and POSTURE. Burn FAT. Get a healthy CARDIOVASCULAR workout. STRENGTHEN and TONE every major muscle in your body. Improve your MENTAL FOCUS and literally melt away STRESS. Hi there! My name is Van Clayton Powel and I’ve taught yoga to thousands of people. From Olympic Champions and Coaches, to Grandparents with back problems. And over the years I noticed something: As great as you'll feel when you practice yoga (Provided you're taught properly!), most people stop practicing for one simple reas ...Read More >>
Promotion Title : The Official Runner's Yoga Instructional Program @ a multi-media, step-by-step home-study program of yoga for runners and other athletes.
Title : Runners Yoga 30-minute Home Program @ Earn 50
Promotion Code : runnersyog
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